Using Hashtags To Explore Career Goals

I’m a social media junkie and I can admit that my life wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t use socal media. Honestly, I don’t understand how anyone gets through life without logging into a personal account or scrolling through a timeline for a good laugh. While most of you can agree that Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest have a hold on you, those of you who aren’t joining the social media craze have to realize that everything is done online these days.


So what’s up with people using hashtags in their post? There is now an option to use hashtags on Facebook in order to connect with like post. By clicking the hastagged word, it serves as a link that relocates your server to related posts from your friends. It isn’t common that you find people using Facebook as a way to connect through hashtags, so refrain from excessive use while logged in. The site focuses soley on uploading pictures, contacting family and friends, and finding event information.

The use of a hashtag (#) in front of a word that relates to a status or picture, originated on Twitter and today, tons of people are hastashing their images and feelings. Every other word has a hashtag in front of it so why not add one to your own 140 character updates? If you do not have a twitter account, this would be the best time to create one and have the pleasure of exploring hastags that correspond to what you’d like to do in life.


The pros of using the hashtag would be to better your chances of connecting with people who have either the same career goals as you do or they are currently working within your dream position. Let’s take me, for example. I aspire to become a Marketing Director. On Twitter, I would hashtag the following words in my tweet in order to find current directors or other students who aspire: #marketing, #collegestudent, #internships, #marketingdirector, #marketingjob, etc. After sending your tweet, you should be able to click each one of these hashtags individually and find other tweets from people who have the same hashtag. It’s that simple.

Now, you have you understand that some Twitter accounts from others with the same hashtag will be local and some will be people who are out of state. Click on whoever you’d like and read their biography. Some users even have websites that you can visit to find more information about their business or them personally. I have also took the advantage of direct messaging users and asking them questions about potential opportunities. If you find someone interesting, don’t hesistate to follow them by cicking the follow button on their profile. Following them gives you the option to direct message.

Every now and then, even if you guys don’t want to create a profile, you could also stick with a good old google search to find what you’re looking for. Me personally, I find that searching on my Twitter account or hashtagging helps narrow down my search results. Good luck!